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Nexel, 'Chinese Patent Registration' for New Drug Candidate for NASH Fibrosis


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NEWS Date: 2022. 04. 07

Nexel, 'Chinese Patent Registration' for New Drug Candidate for NASH Fibrosis


Antifibrotic-optimized new drug candidate 'NP-011' aims to enter the phase 2 clinical trial in 2023 for NASH Fibrosis and inflammatory diseases.


Nexel announced on the 7th of April that it has obtained a China patent for “NP-011,” which is being developed as a treatment for NASH(non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) fibrosis.

'NP-011' is a new drug candidate that optimizes the anti-fibrotic effect of the 'MFG-E8' protein discovered from secreted substances from human stem cells-derived hepatocytes and the patent for 'NP-011' has already been registered in Korea, Japan and the US.

Dr. Han Choong-seong, CEO of Nexel, commented, "Candidates with anti-fibrotic effects are extremely rare among the new drug candidates under development worldwide as a treatment for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Following the registration of patents for NP-011, a new drug candidate for NASH fibrosis treatment, in Korea, Japan and US, we have secured a foothold for NP-011's global license out through the acquisition of Chinese substance patents."

The fibrotic disease is a disease in which excessive fibrotic tissue is formed in organs through a chronic inflammatory reaction. As the tissue becomes hardened, the function of the organ decreases, leading to death. Despite the risk of these diseases, only a few symptom relievers with limited effectiveness are currently being developed, and no underlying treatment is known.

Nexel has recently expanded an indication of NP-011 to various treatment areas such as alcoholic hepatitis, myocardial infarction, and inflammatory bowel diseases, and obtained the related patents. Among the pipelines under development, the company initiated already the Phase 1 clinical trial for myocardial infarction in Australia and the Phase 1 clinical trial for a treatment model of NASH Fibrosis will be started in mid-2022 in Korea. Furthermore, based on the results of Phase 1 clinical trials, it aims to enter Phase 2 clinical trials for myocardial infarction, NASH, and inflammatory bowel diseases within 2023.

Meanwhile, Nexel has selected NH Investment & Securities as its host company and is preparing to list on the KOSDAQ. The current pre-IPO funding will be used for clinical and non-clinical new drug candidates and the business of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based toxicity evaluation. It is aiming for an IPO challenge through technology evaluation at the end of this year.


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