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NEXEL "iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, Go to space on Space X"


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Published DATE: Mar 8, 2023


<2D picture of NEXEL's cardiomyocytes / Photo provided by NEXEL>


  NEXEL announced on the 8th that the hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte (Cardiosight®-S) will be loaded onto the Space X CRS-27, which will be launched on the 15th and will be used in a NASA project, heading to the International Space Station.


This project aims to study the effects of radiation exposure and microgravity on the human body of astronauts by 2023 through stem cell-derived 3D heart tissue. Professor Deok-ho Kim of Johns Hopkins Medical School in the US is leading the research.


Professor Deok-Ho Kim's team applied NEXEL's hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte products to a small heart tissue device (Organ-on-chip) they manufactured. Using a device sent to space, we measure and compare the effects of the Earth's normal environment and the spaceflight environment on the contractility and functionality of cardiomyocytes.


A company official said, "This project, which started research in 2020, will be carried out on the space station in this SpaceX manned capsule.", "Product quality, such as functionality, survival rate and morphology of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes is very important. Because, it is compares and measures the environment of the earth and space.” he said.


NEXEL evaluated that this project served as an opportunity for the differentiated excellence of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte products to be recognized worldwide. In addition, NEXEL will become the company in Korea to send commercially successful hiPSC cells to the space station.


Han Chung-seong, CEO of NEXEL, said, "Currently, we have established a joint venture (Celogics) in Washington, USA to successfully rebrand and enter the North American and European markets for cardiomyocyte cell products, and provide iPSC consignment production services.", "We will lead the global market with NEXEL's outstanding technology" he said.

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