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NEXEL, attends Chinese and Japanese conferences "Global publicity of hiPSC excellence"


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Nexel, a company specializing in 2D and organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC), announced on the 12th that it had conducted aggressive marketing by attending the Korean Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (KSAAE) and the Toxicology Society in China and Japan in June.

Nexel participated in the Chinese Society of Toxicology held in Shenzhen, China from June 15th to 18th. The company explained that Nexel was the only Korean company to introduce iPSC-derived somatic cell products, a next-generation biomaterial.

At the conference, the China's National Medical Products Administration (CNMPA) announced that the revised guidelines of the ICH (The International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) S7B/E14 Guideline for cardiac safety evaluation would be implemented from July 31st. As a result, more than 500 people from China's national research center, academy, university, researcher, screening center, pharmaceutical company, and development company visited the Nexel booth. It confirmed the high interest in Nexel's evaluation service and products as a next-generation evaluation method that can replace animal testing.

A company official said, "We discussed with Nanion, which supplies evaluation equipment used in the revised heart safety evaluation method, about pioneering the Chinese market and expanding awareness of new guidelines, and decided to come up with future cooperation plans."


Nexel also participated in the 50th Toxicological Society held at Pacifico Conference Center in Yokohama, Japan from June 19 to 21. Nexel introduced and promoted the excellence of iPSC-derived cell products and toxicity evaluation service to expand the market in Japan, the origin of iPSC, and received a great response. In addition, Nexel is discussing details with CMIC Holdings, the largest contract research organization (CRO) in Japan, for business cooperation in Japan, and plans to hold a working-level meeting in Japan on the 17th and 19th of this month.

In Korea, Nexel participated in the 20th Korean Society of Alternatives to Animal Testing held on the 22nd and 23rd. About 150 people, including researchers from government-funded research institutes such as the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, the Korea Institute of Toxicology (KIT), and the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), visited the Nexel booth. They inquired about Nexel's cardiac safety and efficacy evaluation service using iPSC-derived cell products and organoids.

A company official said, "Nexel participated in many domestic and foreign conferences in the first half of the year and carried out aggressive marketing. In particular, through participation in 8 overseas conferences, we held meetings with leading companies to promote our products and license out.".

"As a result, we have achieved great results, such as signing contracts for supplying products to the Chinese and Indian markets, and agreeing to joint research/dissertation publication with Clyde in the UK." We are planning a symposium by inviting famous speakers from , and in Korea, we plan to hold a session at the Asia-Oceania Physiological Society (FAOPS 2023) to be held in Daegu in November.”

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